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The Midnight Club S1E3 "The Wicked Heart” Episode Recap - Mike Flanagan - Leah Fong - Netflix - RTS

Ilonka reads Julia's case file and finds drawings with a symbol and the number "292.13". Ilonka tells Kevin about the visions and whispering voices she's heard her entire life that are now telling her to look into Julia, but he doesn't take her seriously, since all of them have medication-induced hallucinations. Tristan, one of the Brightcliffe patients, dies. Afterward, Natsuki thinks she sees Tristan in her room and tells the other Midnight Club members, but they decide it's not enough to be evidence of fulfillment of their pact. Kevin tells the club a story about a teenage boy who is a serial killer. The story triggers Ilonka's memory, and she and Kevin follow Julia's symbol to a secret floor beneath the basement, where Ilonka sees a ghostly figure.

Family Day at Brightcliffe brings news from home - but not for everyone. A series of strange clues lead Ilonka down a path of startling discoveries.

Director: Michael Fimognari
Writers: Elan Gale (written for the screen by), Mike Flanagan (written for the screen by), Leah Fong

Stars: Iman Benson, Igby Rigney, Ruth Codd

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The Midnight Club S1E3 "The Wicked Heart” Episode Recap - Mike Flanagan - Leah Fong - Netflix - RTS Ray Taylor - Inspired Disorder