The Many Faces: Original Ink Paintings and Limited Prints

Welcome to "The Many Faces" art series by Ray Taylor. This ongoing series explores the endless possibilities of the human face through abstract ink paintings on paper. Each piece is a unique expression of emotion, mood, tone, and energy, captured in the minimal features of the eyes, nose, and mouth.

The recognition of relation is a central theme in this series, as the human face is the thing that identifies us and connects us to one another. Whether it's the face of a loved one, a celebrity, or a stranger, each face holds its own unique story and expression.

But "The Many Faces" series doesn't stop at just human faces. Ray Taylor also delves into the faces that can be found in the natural world, from the phases of the moon to the faces hidden in the clouds. No matter how far you push the distortion, the universal language of the face remains a constant, expressing so much with just a few minimal features.

Making Of/Process Videos

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Classic Collection

30 Paintings from the first 2,000+ Faces.
A cultivated cross section of Ray Taylor’s first 7 Years creating The Many Faces

2023 Collection

300+ Original Ink Paintings and Limited Edition Prints

January - March | April - June | July - September | October - December

2024 Collection

New paintings are released daily.
The 28 most recent work will be available to the public.
Inspired Disorder Plus Members have access to EVERYTHING!

Get to know the artist

"Rayz Dayz" is a weekly diary show hosted by Ray Taylor. Each episode features Ray recapping his week, sharing updates on his journey as an artist, podcaster, business owner, and human.

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